Ilarraz Advogados

Commercial Contracts

We specialize in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts for clients operating within Brazilian territory or between Brazilian and foreign companies in other jurisdictions (in coordination with partner law firms in the jurisdictions of interest). We have provided services for clients in a wide range of industries and sectors, including construction, metalworking, agribusiness, furniture, storage, hotel business, retail, transportation, healthcare, and technology in transactions involving:

  • Distribution
  • Sales agency
  • Supply of goods and services
  • Buying and selling of property
  • Lease agreements
  • Collaboration agreements
  • Collaboration
  • Marketplace agreements
  • Franchising

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Rua Furriel Luiz Antônio Vargas, 380/307
Bairro Bela Vista | Porto Alegre/RS
Brasil | CEP 90.470-130
+55 51 3026 7447
ILARRAZ Advogados - All Rights Reserved